Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ice Storm Last Night

So it was all over the news last that a huge ice storm was rolling into town. Luckily for us, though, we didn't have too much trouble. Here are some icy pictures we took. We are all fine and the roads look good, considering. My parents, though (who live about 30 minutes NW of us) are without electricity this morning. I feel really lucky we are all okay.



Rapp Family said...

Hey Lori! Beautiful pictures as expected. You really are very talented. Our blog is incase you don't already have it. Your kids are adorable!

Julie said...

I love the pics! The blog looks great! I'm glad you switched so now I can leave comments! Yay!

Topher said...

Yippee! Now I can read at work (because your Microsoft one was blocked).

Stacy F said...

You are so talented Lori! I love the giant potato!

Kristy said...

Beautiful (but chilly!) pictures. Glad you survived the ice storm.

Love the new blog! Glad you're on blogger!