Monday, September 1, 2008

Sticky After Pancakes!

This is an impromptu photo session, as I was still experimenting with natural light and the boys had just eaten pancakes and were sticky. They started to take off their sticky pj shirts and were dancing around the room to a little Beasty Boys, and I grabed the camera. My favorite one is where Ethan has his hand on Dad's head, and Ashton is laughing kissing dad's cheek and Rudi looks trapped!


The Fantastic Four said...

What handsome/funny/random boys you have!! =) Great pics...I love how you caught the moment.

thepainterfamily said...

yeah you're back! And you're right, the one of Rudy being "loved" by his boys is the BEST! SO SO CUTE! I think these are the kinds of memories that will be so precious...just the everyday beauty/craziness of life! :)