Monday, March 3, 2008

Ethan's Valentines Party at PreK

Thanks to my good friend Stacy, I was able to go to Ethan's Valentine's party at PreK. They made cute picture frames, exchanged valentines, and ate cookies. I will look for one of Ethan's valentines and post it that he gave out. We wanted to do a star wars theme, of course, so it was interesting writing valentines like Yoda would talk. Ethan misses his best friend Parker who moved away to Utah who was also in his class. He tells me he likes Will, Cole and Owen the best now.

Making the frames.

The lady in the very appropriate valentines heart sweater is his teacher. She's retiring after this year...Hmmmmm...I wonder if this is a coincidence.

What's valentines without treats?

In this candid, Ethan, Will and Owen are discussing transformers. Look how excited he is.

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