Ethan - "Look Mom, I made it really tight."
Mom - "Is it hollow? Are their men in there?" (I inferred this from buildings he had constructed in the past)
Ethan - "No, Mom, it's solid. Look" He takes off the top layer and shows me that this time there are no men, or weapons, hiding inside.
Mom - "Ethan, this looks like a foundation, like of a building."
Ethan - "Yeah, I built it nice and tight so the building wouln't fall down."
Like any good mom, I took this opportunity to talk to him about firm, sturdy foundations and how they are important in buildings and in life. I concluded with the antedote about how the Salt Lake City Temple had a crack in its original foundation and they had to rebuild it.
He then look at me with bright eyes and said, "Well, hold on a minute, Mom"
He returned in two seconds flat to have added a steple and Angel Moroni. Then announced it was a temple. He then, told me to hold on and raced back to the bucket of blocks, only to return with four more people, saying, "Mom, that's our family. We're going to the temple."
It's hard to keep dry eyes when you realize how lessons actually do sometimes sink in.

They boys are so used to being the subject of my photography (and test projects) that they immediately posed for this picture all on their own. I had to take it, of course :o)

Awwww, how sweet :) are going to be a great missionary someday. =)
Love the haircuts, Lo!!
Miss ya and love ya.
cutest story ever! what sweet little guys you have! (i love the post about basketball too! i can totally picture that! way to go Ethan!)
Those little moments seem to make all the craziness and chaos worth it!
love ya! ali
Totally sweet! They are very cute boys. But so big already!
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